Deity name: Canrill
in charge of: god of air
tithe: 10 percent
animal: eagle
symbol: a fist full of lightning bolts on a black background
Clerics can be: male or female
wear on
head: bare or helm
body: tunic battle: tunic over armor
colors: white
Holy Symbol shape: /\ — \/ made of silver and consecrated at nearest temple
requirements to join: 1. must worship at a temple if live in a city
2. must worship in a natural setting if live in the country or a sparsely populated area 3. must permanantly attach self to a temple, this is the only place where the character is able to gain Commune, Word of Recall, and receive 6th and 7th level spells.advantages: 1. spell Wind Walk 7 turns per level duration and for every 7 levels, up to level 23, can carry another person
2. opponent is -2 SR when this character casts a Sanctuary spellSacrifices: when : Holy Day is a red sunrise what: cow every full moon where: temple or grove