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Additional item lists

Fondfield shops list

Jonran male wood elf

7 sales clerks

The store is constantly busy.

arrow, normal 1 for 1 sp; 12/9 sp; 20/14 sp
, silver 1 for 2 gp; 30/ 45 gp
, target 1 for 8 cp; 12/8 sp

atl-atl 45 gp
awl, leather working 3 sp

axe, battle 4 gp
, hand 1 gp ( -4 to hit if thrown, not balanced )
, throwing 2 gp

backpack, canvas 10 gp
, leather 2 gp
bag, large, cloth, 3 cubic feet 15 cp
, small, cloth, 1 cubic foot 8 cp

bandages, 2” × 5 yards 3 cp
, 3” × 7 yards 7 cp
banded armor 78 gp

bardiche 8 gp
barding, cloth 50 gp
, leather 100 gp
basket, small, tight weave, 1’ × 2’ deep 4 sp
with lid 5 sp 3 cp

basin, 2 quart 1 gp

belt 3 sp

boots, adventure 5 gp
, town 5 sp

bow, composite, long 110 gp
, short 70 gp
, long 45 gp
, short 20 gp

cages, mice , holds 12, 12” × 10” × 3” 4 gp
, mouse , holds 1, 2” x 3” × 2” 1 gp
, snake , one up to 3’ long, 2’ × 2’ × 1’ 9 gp
, one up to 7’ long, 6’ × 6’ × 2’ 15 gp
, one up to 20’ long, 28’ × 28’ × 4’ 45 gp
, spider, holds one, 3” × 4” × 2” 2 gp

caltrop 2 sp

candle, tallow 1 for 1 cp; 5/4 cp; 12/ 8 cp
, wax 1 for 9 cp; 6/5 sp; 12/ 9 sp

cap, fancy 5 sp to 3 gp
, plain 8 cp to 5 sp

cape, cotton not priced
, silk not priced
, wool for a human, 1 gp

case, bone, 10” × 2” 4 gp
, leather, waxed, 8” × 2” 12 sp

chain mail 70 gp

cloak, normal 5 sp
, rain 40 gp
, snow 50 gp
, winter 30 gp

club 3 sp

cord, waxed one-sixteenth of an inch x 300 yards 25 gp

crossbow, hand 300 gp
, heavy 30 gp
, light 10 gp

coat, knee long 50 gp
, waist long 43 gp

dagger, steel or iron 2 gp
, stone, in town 3 gp
, at quarry 3 sp
, silver 200 gp

dipper, 1 cup 5 sp

flail, footsoldier’s 2 gp
, horserider’s 8 gp

garlic, bud 5 cp
, 6 buds in a loop 28 cp

gauntlets, leather 5 sp
, steel not priced

gloves, clay-steeped 4 gp
, fancy 2 gp to 500 gp
, winter 8 sp
, work 4 sp

grapnel, iron 5 gp
, leather-covered 10 gp
, steel, 25 gp
, leather-covered 30 gp

halberd 9 gp

hammer, nail or spike 2 gp
, war 3 gp

harness, donkey leading 5 sp
, horse leading 9 sp
, mule leading 7 sp

helmet, great 18 gp (Dartan)
, large ( nose guard and cheek pieces ) 12 gp (Celtan)
, small ( nose guard) 10 gp (Bartan)
, small ( no nose guard) 8 gp (Arnan)
, small iron or leather cap 5 gp (Ertan)

An 640× 514 pixel png of the helm definitions

holy symbol, silver 25 gp

holy wafers, box of 50 30 gp

holy water 25 gp for 1; 70 gp for 3

hood, cotton 5 sp , wool 7 sp

javelin 10 sp

kerchief, 1’ × 1’ 4 cp , 2’ × 2’ 6 cp

knife, 8” 1 gp
, 8” folding and lock open 3 gp
( both knives can be used as a weapon s,m 1d3; Large 1d2)

lamp, brass 5 sp
, copper 5 gp
, gold 500 gp plus
, iron 2 gp
, silver 300 gp plus
, with mechanisms 1,000 gp plus

lance, heavy 7 gp
, light 5 gp
, medium 6 gp

lantern, bullseye 15 gp
, hooded 6 gp

lasso 5 sp

leather armor 5 gp

mace, foot soldier 8 gp
, horse rider 4 gp

magnifier, 2 power (2x) 150 gp
, 4 power (4x) 375 gp

mirror, metal 10 gp
, silver 20 gp

morning star 4 gp

needles, cloth 3 cp for 2
, leather 1 sp for 1
, sailmaker 3 sp for 1

leather worker’s palm 12 sp

oil, cod 3 gp per pint
, corn 3 gp per gallon
, lantern 3 cp per pint; 10 pints for 2 sp 5 cp
, monster burn 1 gp per pint
, olive 10 gp per pint
, peanut 3 cp per pint; 24 cp per gallon
, sesame 10 gp per pint
, sunflower 5 cp per gallon

oil tube for bow strings 1 tube for 1 sp holds 5 strings

padded armor 4 gp

pants 5 sp

parchment sheet 10 gp plus

partisan 9 gp

pick, digging 12 sp
, military, foot soldier 8 gp
, horse rider 5 gp

pike, awl 3 gp

pioneer kit ( 1 axe, 1 shovel, 1 pick, and two 50 feet x 5/16 inch ropes) 8 gp
( climbing rope is 7/16 inch )

plate, bronze 100 gp
, field 2000 gp
, full 4000 gp
, mail 400 gp

pouch, belt, large 1 gp
, small 15 sp

prism 3 gp

quill pen 2 cp

quilt, 4’ × 6’ 2 sp to 5 gp
, 5’ × 7’ 3 sp to 7 gp

quiver, 12 arrows, 8 sp
, 20 arrows 11 sp
, 30 arrows 4 gp
, 20 quarrels 15 sp
, 40 quarels 2 gp

rations, iron 1 week 4 gp

ring mail 30 gp

robe 6 sp
, religious 5 gp plus

rope, 5/16” x 50’ 4 sp
, 5/16” × 100’ 7 sp
, 7/16” x 50’ 7 sp
, 7/16” × 100’ 14 sp
, 1.5” x 50’ 1 gp
, 1.5” x 100’ 2 gp

rope ladder, 50’ 15 gp
, 100’ 28 gp
, 200’ 70 gp
, 250’ 100 gp

sack, large 16 cp
, small 10 cp

saddle 10 gp – 100 gp
, bags, large 4 gp
, small 3 gp
, blanket 3 sp

scale mail 45 gp

scarf, cotton, 2’ × 2’ 1 cp to 2 gp
, 4’ × 4’ 5 cp to 7 gp
, silk , 2’ × 2’ 1 pp and up
, wool , 2’ × 2’ 2 cp
, 2’ × 8’ 6 cp
, 4’ × 4’ 4 cp

scimitar 10 gp

shield, large 14 gp
, spiked buckler 5 gp
, buckler 10 gp
, small 11 gp
, wooden 1 gp

shirt, cotton 1 gp
, silk 45 gp
, wool 3 sp

sling 7 sp
, bullets 15 sp per dozen
, stones free or 3 cp per dozen, 9 cp/50

staff sling 2 gp

spear, 5’ 1 gp
, 7’ 1 gp 1 sp
, 10’ 2 gp
, heads 7 sp
, 3-prong 5 gp

spear thrower 5 gp

spetum 3 gp

spike, iron 1 cp each; 10 for 8 cp
, steel 1 gp each

splint mail 78 gp

spoon, eating, wood 5 cp
, pewter 1 sp
serving , wood 7 cp
, pewter 1 sp 9 cp

staff, quarter, 2” – 3” × 7’ 1 sp

string, roll, 3/16” × 200’ 2 sp
, 1/4” x 100 3 sp

studded armor 14 gp

sword, falchion 10 gp
, khopesh 3 gp
, bastard 25 gp
, broad 11 gp
, long 14 gp
, short 8 gp
, two-handed 43 gp

tent, tarp, 4’ x 8’ 10 gp
, wall, 8’ × 10’ 25 gp

thieves’ picks and tools 25 gp

tinder box 2 gp

tongs 3 gp to 65 gp

torch, 1 hour 1 cp each
, 2 hours 2 cp each; 4/6 cp

towel, 2’ × 3’ 3 sp
, 4’ × 6’ 5 sp

trident 4 gp

tweezers 3 gp

twine, 1/4” × 200’ 3 sp
, 1/8” × 300’ 7 sp

vest, cotton, 2 gp
, silk , 300 gp
, wool , 15 gp
, 50 pockets 20 gp
, 75 pockets 33 gp
, 100 pockets 46 gp

wagon, 4 mule, 4’ x 8’ 150 gp
, 2 oxen, 6’ × 15’ 185 gp
, 4 oxen, 8’ × 20’ 220 gp

washcloth, 5” x 9” 1 sp
, 6” × 12” 2 sp

waterskin, 1 quart 10 sp
, 2 quart 12 sp
, 5 quart 1 gp

whetstone, 2” × 4” 9 sp
(sharpening stone)

whip 3 gp

whistle 1 gp

wolfsbane, sprig 8 sp

Categories Fondfield, Jonran's General Store


Joachim de Ravenbel’s Manor House Stables symbols

Joachim de Ravenbel’s Castle Riche-Guet

Pdf for Castle Frankenbourg by Joachim de Ravenbel

Ivan Mike’s DM screen with disclaimers

peyre’s DM screen

Adventure map for TRS-80 model 1

Adventure walk throughs for Windows

Brian Ransom’s Tara’s Place, over view

Brian Ransom’s Tara’s Place

DOS Dungeonmaster Assistant programs

Categories General, files I host for others

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