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fixed up the map.

Categories Fondfield, Zrani's Blacksmith Shop


A small village, 5 miles from haunted ruins, 10 miles from a chaotic border, they just want a peaceful life making pottery. Yes, their walls are a bit off, they aren’t stone masons.

Arrive with caution, their long bows are ready.

I never decided where they got their weapons from, but Fondfield is the local military town. The three commanders there could easily have sent bows, arrows, leather armor, spears, and swords over to them to help protect the village that made such good pottery. A patrol of cavalry does go by at intervals, but they stay outside bow shot.

Categories Trillolara, Potter


Tier 2, part 2

This is a set of maps, the second level down from the top. All rooms are enclosed unless stated otherwise. The open room look is so you can see into the rooms.

The letters are connections to other maps. The letter S on a wall is a secret door Details when I have more time.

This is all of this level.

First map below updated on January 14, 2019.

The fog below these rooms hides a stone floor and spikes.

Categories Arcology

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